Multimedia Solutions
11-6 Issue 5 January 1998
Multimedia Applications Server
The Multimedia Applications Server Interface provides a link between the DEFIN-
ITY ECS and one or more Multimedia Communications Exchange nodes. A Multi-
media Communications Exchange is a stand-alone multimedia call processor
produced by Lucent Technologies. This new link to DEFINITY ECS enhances the
capabilities of each Multimedia Communications Exchange system by enabling it
to share some of the DEFINITY ECS features. In particular, the interface provides
the following advantages:
■ Call Detail Recording — The capture of call detail records so you can
analyze the call patterns and usage of multimedia calls just as DEFINITY
administrators analyze normal calls.
■ Automatic Alternate Routing/Automatic Route Selection — The intelligent
selection of the most cost-effective routing for calls, based on available
resources and your carrier preference. The system may select public
trunks via DEFINITY or Multi Media Communication Exchange.
■ Voice Mail Integration — You can access your DEFINITY or INTUITY AUDIX
voice messaging system from a Multimedia Communication Exchange.
Video Products and Services
Lucent Technologies video products and services provide creative alternatives to
business as usual. Now you can conference and collaborate — across the coun-
try or around the world — via visual communications. You need go no further than
the video conferencing room to take a class with Lucent Technologies distance
learning solutions. When class is over, you’re back at your office in a matter of
minutes, ready to implement what you’ve learned.
Besides the obvious advantage of reduced travel expenses, video conferencing
allows you to make quicker decisions, provides ready access to essential infor-
mation, allows you to consult with specialists on an as-needed basis, and ulti-
mately allows you to bring products to market faster.
Visual communications provides other advantages for your normal day-to-day
operations. Business meetings can benefit from the nuances a facial expression
can convey sometimes more directly than the words being spoken. Product pro-
totypes can be demonstrated with ease. You can meet with your suppliers with-
out travelling long distances.