Networking Solutions
12-22 Issue 5 January 1998
■ Inexpensive transmission: Wideband calls are often tariffed differently. In
the United States, wideband calls are about 30 percent less expensive
than narrowband calls.
■ Simplified billing: Because there is just one call, there is just one record,
making billing and traffic measurements easy.
■ Reliability: Because the data stream is not split, there are none of the
synchronization problems or individual channel failures that can delay or
disrupt narrowband switching of wideband data.
■ Faster call setup: Placing a wideband call is faster than placing a
narrowband call because ISDN is used and because there’s only one call
to place, as opposed to several.
■ Simplified administration: Wideband signaling is administered on the
DEFINITY ECS switch; handling wideband signaling on a narrowband
switch typically requires additional equipment which must be
administered separately.
All of DEFINITY ECS’s networking features have been upgraded to handle wide-
band signaling, notably:
■ Access endpoints
■ Administered connections
■ Mixed mode signaling
■ Call-by-call service
■ Auto restoration
■ World Class Routing
These upgrades further simplify the process of combining public and private net-
works and enhance the efficiency of combined networks.