Storing New Equipment
Issue 5 January 1998
Storing New Equipment
In one area, a steel plant’s old communications system had occupied an entire
floor of one building. A four-story building was planned for housing the new
switch. The compact DEFINITY ECS required only one 4 X 8 meter room, which
included plenty of room for expansion.
Making Optimum Use of
Available Lines
Because many lines in some remote areas do not operate properly, sometimes
as many as 40 percent more lines are used than are necessary for adequate ser-
vice. Once a DEFINITY ECS is installed, the system generates detailed traffic
reports that document the relative reliability of the lines. This allows the staff to
eliminate unreliable lines or petition for their repair, increasing overall system effi-
ciency. The system’s alarm reports even provide troubleshooting information for
neighboring switches in the public network.
Many DEFINITY ECS network enhancements are designed to optimize resources
where lines and trunks are in short supply. See Chapter 12, "Networking Solu-
tions" for more information.
Re-training Administrators
The reliability of the DEFINITY ECS system has allowed some organizations to
profitably redeploy maintenance staff. Time-consuming daily maintenance is
replaced by occasional attention to the system. The new G3-Management Appli-
cations software runs on a personal computer and saves administration time by
automating repetitive tasks and consolidating related data. Recording moves
and changes in all directories, for example, has never been easier. In some
cases, the DEFINITY ECS is actually maintained remotely by Lucent Technolo-
gies personnel.
Backward Compatibility
DEFINITY ECS is essentially compatible with older Lucent and AT&T products.
This means that when you upgrade from an older AT&T or Lucent system to a
DEFNITY ECS you will not lose some capabilities while gaining others. For exam-
ple, DEFINITY ECS now allows you to have Trunk Access Codes and feature
Access codes that differ by only one digit, which facilitates upgrades from a
DEFINITY G2, System 85 or DIMENSION switch to a DEFINITY ECS.