Possible Cause 4: Local phone company is not accurately receiving the dialing signals.
What to do: Isolate the problem. Use the telephone to make calls on different lines. Then,
make calls on different phones using the same line.
If you cannot make calls from one phone on all lines, follow the procedure for
“System Phone Does Not Work,” Possible Cause 2.
If you cannot make calls using different phones, go to Possible Cause 5.
Possible Cause 5: Too many standard devices are trying to dial simultaneously. (If the
problem is on a system phone, go to Possible Cause 6.)
What to do: Stay on the line and wait for dial tone, or try your call later.
If you can make a call, you may want to increase the number of touch-tone receivers
by adding 206 (1 receiver) or 400 (2 receivers) modules to avoid future problems.
Call the AT&T Helpline.*
If you wait 30 seconds and still do not hear a dial tone, go to Possible Cause 6.
Possible Cause 6: Local phone company line is faulty.
What to do: One at a time, unplug each outside line from the 206, 400, or 200 module
inside the control unit. Then plug each line into a standard telephone and try to make a
If the trouble appears on the standard phone, try another line cord; if the trouble
persists, report it to your local phone company.
If the trouble does not appear on the standard phone, the trouble is with your control
unit. Call the AT&T Helpline.*
Calls are Answered Automatically
A call rings once, then disappears as if it were answered.
Possible Cause 1: The Automatic System Answer or Direct Extension Dial feature is turned
What to do: Check to see if Automatic System Answer or Direct Extension Dial is
turned on.
If Automatic System Answer or Direct Extension Dial is turned on, turn it off by
pressing the programmed button.
If Automatic System Answer or Direct Extension Dial is not turned on, go to Possible
Cause 2.
In the continental U.S., help is available at 1 800 628-2888. Outside the continental U.S., call your local
AT&T Authorized Dealer.
6-8 Troubleshooting