Feature and Planning Review
Types of Fax Subscribers
Generally, there are three FAX Attendant subscriber classes:
1. Personal Fax Number Subscribers without Fax Machines (Class 1)
2. Subscribers with Fax Mailboxes but without Personal Fax Numbers (Class
3. Fax Machine Call Coverage Subscribers (Class 3)
Personal Fax Number Subscribers without Fax
Machines (Class 1)
Each Class 1 subscriber will have a personal fax number. This may be a Direct
Inward Dial (DID) number from the Central Office telephone switch or a private
line administered on the subscriber’s personal fax extension. A personal fax
number will:
guarantee that all faxes for the subscriber will flow directly to the
subscriber’s confidential mailbox.
give subscribers one fax number for distribution to anyone who wishes to
send them faxes. These subscribers will have more control over their fax
communications, with the ability to retrieve faxes from any location, any
time of day.
alert subscribers to the arrival of all new fax messages, via their message
waiting lamp and/or outcalling notification.
The Class 1 subscriber category includes anyone who will have a personal fax
number, but does not have a fax machine. The exception will be group fax
number administrators who are discussed later.
Subscribers with Fax Mailboxes but without
Personal Fax Numbers (Class 2)
Class 2 subscribers are those who have confidential mailboxes, but do not have
personal fax numbers. Incoming fax messages are sent to a group fax number
and then stored in private mailboxes. Group fax accounts are useful for
individuals who:
occasionally receive confidential messages and can give special
instructions to those who send them faxes in order to receive them
confidentially. Therefore, it is not important for these individuals to have a
personal fax number.
travel occasionally and can give special instructions to those who would
like to send them a fax while they are away. Therefore, it is not important
for these individuals to have a personal fax number.
often need to broadcast fax messages, but do not often require special
inbound fax services, such as those described above.