Using NetExtender | 43
Viewing the NetExtender Log
The NetExtender log displays information on NetExtender session events. The log is a file
named NetExtender.dbg. It is stored in the directory: C:\Program Files\SonicWALL\SSL
VPN\NetExtender. To view the NetExtender log, right click the NetExtender icon in the system
tray, and click View Log, click the Log icon on the main status page.
To view details of a log message, double-click a log entry, or go to View > Log Detail to open
the Log Detail pane.
To save the log, either click the Export icon or go to Log > Export.
To filter the log to display entries from a specific duration of time, go to the Filter menu and
select the cutoff threshold.
To filter the log by type of entry, go to Filter > Level and select one of the level categories. The
available options are Fatal, Error, Warning, and Info, in descending order of severity. The log
displays all entries that match or exceed the severity level. For example, when selecting the
Error level, the log displays all Error and Fatal entries, but not Warning or Info entries.