Virtual Office Overview | 13
have Administrator privileges, and login again using the LocalDomain domain. Only the
LocalDomain allows Administrator access to the management interface. Also note that the
domain is independent of the privileges set up for the user.
Logging in as a user takes you directly to Virtual Office. The Virtual Office Home page displays
as shown here.
The Virtual Office content will vary based on the configuration of your network Administrator.
Some bookmarks and services described in the SonicWALL SSL VPN User Guide may not be
displayed when you log into the SonicWALL SRA security appliance.
The Virtual Office consists of the nodes described in the following table.
Node Description
File Shares Provides access to the File Shares utility, which gives remote users with
a secure Web interface access to Microsoft File Shares using the CIFS
(Common Internet File System) or SMB (Server Message Block) proto-
cols. Using a Web interface similar in style to Microsoft’s familiar Net-
work Neighborhood or My Network Places, File Shares allow users with
appropriate permissions to browse network shares, rename, delete,
retrieve, and upload files, and to create bookmarks for later recall.
NetExtender Provides access to the NetExtender utility, a transparent SSL VPN cli-
ent for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Windows Mobile, or Android smart-
phone users that allows you to run any application securely on the
remote network. It acts as an IP-level mechanism provided by the vir-
tual interface that negotiates the ActiveX component (on Windows with
IE), using a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) adapter instance. On non-
Windows platforms except Android, Java controls are used to automati-
cally install NetExtender from the Virtual Office portal. After installation,
NetExtender automatically launches and connects a virtual adapter for
SSL secure NetExtender point-to-point access to permitted hosts and
subnets on the internal network.