Cisco IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco CallManager 3.3, Cisco IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7912G
Additional Configuration Methods,
Parameters, and Procedures
The Cisco IP Phone must be correctly configured before it will operate properly.
When you configure a phone, you specify parameters and values that instruct the
phone how to operate in your environment. Configuring provides the phone with
instructions for many aspects of its operation, including how to interact with the
network and how to handle IP telephony protocols.
In general, configuring the Cisco IP Phone models 7902G/7905G/7912G can be
accomplished through Cisco CallManager and through the network configuration
options on a phone. These processes are described in detail in this manual.
This appendix describes the following additional methods for configuring the
Cisco IP Phone models 7902G/7905G/7912G. These methods are optional and are
available to help you configure your phones most efficiently and to provide
certain configuration options that are not available through other methods.
• Through a profile file—A profile file contains various parameters and values
for phone and network settings. This file is stored on a Trivial File Transfer
Protocol (TFTP) server and is downloaded to the phone.
• Through the phone’s web page—Each phone has a web page from which you
can view and update many parameter values.
• Through the phone’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system
(Cisco IP Phone 7902G only)
This section covers the following topics:
• TFTP Configuring, page A-2
• Web Page Configuring, page A-6