P-2612HNU-Fx User’s Guide
PPPoE 98, 114, 281
Benefits 114
preamble mode 349
print server 23
printer sharing 195
and LAN 196
configuration 58
requirements 196
TCP/IP port 58
probing, firewalls 204
product registration 398
profile 43
protocol 98
PSK 355
PSTN call setup signaling 178
pulse dialing 178
QoS 178, 223, 224, 234, 284
Quality of Service 284
Quality of Service, see QoS
quick dialing 285
Quick Start Guide 27
RADIUS 286, 351
message types 351
messages 351
shared secret key 352
Reach-Extended ADSL 282
Real time Transport Protocol, see RTP
region 283
product 398
reinitialize the ADSL line 267
related documentation 3
REN 284
Request To Send, see RTS
RESET button 26
restore configuration 257, 260
RFC 1483 114, 282
RFC 1631 149
RFC 1889 176, 285
RFC 1890 285
RFC 2327 285
RFC 2364 282
RFC 2516 281, 282
RFC 2684 282
RFC 3164 247
RFC 3261 285
Ringer Equivalence Number, see REN
romfile 253
router features 22
RTCP 285
RTP 176, 285
RTS (Request To Send) 348
threshold 347, 348
safety warnings 7
scan 135
wireless LAN 146
SDP 285
seamless rate adaptation 282
security, network 206
server 245
service access control 240
service set 134
Service Set IDentification, see SSID
Session Description Protocol 285
Session Initiation Protocol, see SIP
shared secret 142
sharing files 185
silence suppression 165, 284
SIP 172
account 172
accounts 284
ALG 285
Application Layer Gateway 285
call progression 176
client 174