Customized Line Assignments
As you filled out the Line Assignments Form, you learned that customizing
line assignments to voice terminals can help control costs and increase the
efficiency of your communications system. All the information you need to
customize line assignments should be on the Line Assignments Form.
When you enter administration mode and touch the Auto Intercom button for
a voice terminal, the green lights next to the line buttons on the console
show you which outside lines are currently assigned to that voice terminal.
Green light on =
line is assigned m the voice terminal
Green light off =
line is not assigned so the voice terminal
Your system comes from the factory configured so that all your outside lines
appear on the same line buttons on every voice terminal. These are the
system's original line assignments. A voice terminal retains its original line
assignments until someone administers it differently. If this is the first time
anyone has administered your system, all your voice terminals should have
their original line assignments.
NOTE: If you have not performed the "Systemwide Line Assignments"
procedure described under "Basic Administration" earlier in this
section, the green lights next to the line buttons on your
administrator/attendant console may show that your system has more
outside lines than it really has. If this is the case, go back now to
"Basic Administration" and enter the correct number of outside lines
following the instructions under "Systemwide Line Assignments."
MERLIN Plus system line administration offers two choices:
You can keep the original line assignments on some or all of your voice
You can customize the line assignments to some or all of your voice
terminals to better suit the needs of your business and individual voice
terminal users.
On the Line Assignments Form, there should be a check mark for each
outside line in the system to the right of the intercom numbers for those voice
terminals keeping their original line assignments. To make sure these voice
terminals have the original line assignments, do the following:
Enter administration mode.
The red lights go on next to Administer and Restrict.
One after another, touch the Auto Intercom buttons for each of these
voice terminals.
The green lights next to the line buttons should show that all of your
outside lines appear on each of these voice terminals. If you discover that
one or more lines do not appear on a voice terminal designated to keep
the original line assignments, you can use the procedure under the next
heading, "Customize Line Assignments," to give that voice terminal the
original line assignments.
Leave administration mode.
Customized Line Assignments 3-13