To set the systemwide line assignments, do the following:
Enter administration mode.
The red lights go on next Administer and Restrict.
Dial *4.
Dial the number of outside telephone lines in your system.
Touch Administer.
The console beeps twice.
Continue to administer the system, or leave administration mode.
When you filled in the "Paging Groups" columns on the System
Configuration Form, you learned the following about paging groups:
All voice terminals are automatically assigned to a single paging group,
the Page-All Group, which you cannot change.
Intercoms 10 through 19 are automatically assigned to Page Group 1;
intercoms 20 through 29 are automatically assigned to Page Group 2.
You can change the makeup of Page Groups 1 and 2 if you are using a
34-button voice terminal as your administrator/attendant console. (You
cannot use a 10-button voice terminal to change a paging group's makeup.)
You can assign the same voice terminal to both paging groups.
Look at the "Paging Groups" columns on the System Configuration Form. If
you plan to keep intercoms 10 through 19 in Page Group 1 and the remaining
intercoms in Page Group 2, you don't have to do anything here.
If you plan to change the makeup of the paging groups, do the following:
Enter administration mode.
The red lights go on next to Administer and Restrict.
Dial the code for the paging group you want to change (*71 for Group 1 or
*72 for group 2).
The green light goes on next to the Auto Intercom button for each voice terminal currently
assigned to the group.
Touch Drop to remove all voice terminals from the group.
All the green lights next to Auto Intercom buttons go off.
One after another, touch the Auto Intercom buttons for the voice
terminals you want to include in the paging group.
The green lights next to the Auto Intercom buttons go on as you touch the corresponding buttons.
Touch Administer.
The console beeps twice.
Repeat steps 2 through 5 to change the makeup of the other paging group.
Continue to administer the system or leave administration mode
If you want to change a paging group later on, see the "Group Page" entry in
Section 5, "Reference," or the Quick Reference Guide to System
Administration in Section 6.
This concludes basic administration. You can use your system now, just as it
is, and leave further administration until later. Or you can go on and
customize the outside telephone line assignments to individual voice terminals.
Section 3: Administering the System