You can program a System Speed Dial code for an area code and an exchange.
Then when you want to dial a telephone number that begins with this area
code and exchange, you can dial the speed dial code or touch the button
programmed for the speed dial code, and then dial the remainder of the
telephone number. The MERLIN Plus system can hold a maximum of 40
System Speed Dial codes of up to 16 digits each.
The system administrator can assign System Speed Dial codes to telephone
numbers with or without Restriction Override.
If the administrator decides to store a System Speed Dial code with
Restriction Override, all voice terminals in the system can use the code
as a type of password that allows the person to access the outside
number, regardless of toil or outward call restrictions previously placed
on the voice terminal.
The administrator may decide to store a System Speed Dial code
without Restriction Override so that all toll or outward restrictions
placed on voice terminals continue to apply.
For System Speed Dial codes assigned to telephone numbers, the administrator
can specify which speed dial codes will be printed on call reports (see "Call
Reports") and System Feature reports (see "System Feature Report"), and
which ones will be private.
It is sometimes necessary to include a pause, stop, or switchhook flash, or to
switch from rotary to Touch-Tone signals within a dialing sequence. To do
so, the administrator must enter one or more of the following special
characters into the dialing sequence. (For more information about using
special characters in a dialing sequence, see "Special Characters.")
To program a pause, touch Hold.
To program a stop, touch Drop.
● To program Touch-Tone Enable, touch Transfer.
To program a switchhook flash at the beginning of a dialing sequence,
touch Recall and then touch Hold.
A number to which the administrator assigns a System Speed Dial code
cannot contain a "#" character.
When the administrator has dialed the maximum 16 characters for a System
Speed Dial code, the system beeps twice to confirm the entry and to remind
the administrator that he or she cannot dial any more characters. If the
administrator dials less than 16 characters, the system does not beep.
The administrator should give a copy of the System Speed Dial code
assignments to each person who will be using these codes.
People can dial the codes or program a button for specific speed dial codes.
If your responsibilities do not include system administration, skip this
Before you administer the System Speed Dial feature, refer to the System
Speed Dial Directory that you have filled out.
MERLIN Plus System Features 5-73