3D Connexion Version 6.6 Two-Way Radio User Manual

Data lines for COMBINE=UNION:
First line:
1. List of surfaces.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary. Up to 16 entries are allowed per line.
First (and only) line:
1. First surface name.
2. Second surface name.
For COMBINE=DIFFERENCE the second surface is subtracted from the first.
Data lines to define a surface when the CROP parameter is included:
First line:
1. Surface name.
Second line:
1. X-coordinate of the lower box corner.
2. Y-coordinate of the lower box corner.
3. Z-coordinate of the lower box corner.
4. X-coordinate of the opposite box corner.
5. Y-coordinate of the opposite box corner.
6. Z-coordinate of the opposite box corner.
Third line (optional):
1. X-coordinate of the fir st point defining the orientation.
2. Y-coordinate of the fir st point defining the orien tation.
3. Z-coordinate of the first point defining the orientation.
4. X-coordinate of the second point defining the orientation.
5. Y-coordinate of the second point defining the orientation.
6. Z-coordinate of the second point defining the orienta tion.
Data lines to define a surface using elements or element sets when the TYPE=ELEMENT
parameter is used:
First line:
1. Element set name or element num ber. In A BAQU S/Explicit a blank data line can be specified
to automatically generate the exterior (free) faces of every element in the model.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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