3D Connexion Version 6.6 Two-Way Radio User Manual

ORIENTATION: Define a local axis system for material or element property
definition, for kinematic coupling constraints, for free directions for inertia relief
loads, or for connectors.
This option is used to define a local coordinate system for definition of material properties; for material
calculations at integration points; for element property definitions (e.g., connector elements); for output
of components of stress, strain, and element section forces; and for kinematic and distributing coupling
constraints. In ABAQUS/Standard it can be used to define local directions for contact pair interaction
properties and spring, dashpot , and JOINTC elements; for definition of local free directions for inertia relief
loads; and for output of components of surface variables.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: Part, Part instance, Assembly
“Orientations,” Section 2.2.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User ’s Manual
“ORIENT,” Section 1.1.14 of the ABA QUS User Subroutines Reference Manual
Required parameter:
Set this parameter equal to a label that will be used to refer to the orientation definition. Orientation
names in the same input file must be unique.
Optional parameters:
Set DEFINITION =COOR DINATES (default) to define the local sy stem by giving the coordinates
of the three points a, b, and, optiona lly, c (the origin) appropriate to the SYSTEM choice fr om
Figure 15.1–1.
Set DEFINITION=NODES to define the local system by giving global node numbers for points
a, b, and, optionally, c (the origin).
Set DEFINITION=OFFSET TO NODES to define the local system by giving local node
numbers (on the element where the orientation is being used) to define the points a, b,and,
optionally, c (the origin) in Figure 15.1–1. This parameter value cannot be used with spring,
dashpot, or JOINTC elements. In addition, it cannot be used with the
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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