Nortel Networks Call Center Telephone Telephone User Manual

Chapter 7 Off-premise Message Notification 79
Call Center Telephone Administration Guide
Off-premise Message Notification parameters
You can set up the parameters for Off-premise Message Notification from any tone dial telephone.
The parameters are:
destination type (phone, extension or pager)
destination number (phone, extension or pager)
time range for receiving calls at telephone numbers or extensions (Pagers are notified any time
there is a qualifying message.)
types of message you want to receive (all new messages or just urgent messages)
Setting up Off-premise Message Notification
Follow these instructions if you have not set up Off-Premise Message Notification and are setting
it up for the first time. If you have set up Off-Premise Message Notification, refer to the section on
“Changing Off-premise Message Notification” on page 89.
Note: The restrictions that apply to your telephone line also apply to Off-premise
Message Notification numbers. For example, if you cannot dial long distance telephone
numbers from your telephone, you cannot have a long distance Off-premise Message
Notification destination number.
To set up Off-premise Message Notification to refer to
a telephone number page 80
an extension page 82
a pager page 84