Installing and Configuring Telephony
have a Next feature button administered on your telephone,
depending on your type of telephone. If you have a 6400 Series
telephone without a display, you must have a Next feature button
administered on your telephone. However, if you have a 6400 Series
telephone with a display, you do not need a Next feature button
administered on your telephone.
If you do not use the Auto Config button, you will use the Phone Line
dialog box to specify the location and type for each call appearance
on your telephone. You can specify the following types of call
Primary Line, which is the extension of your telephone.
Bridged Line, which is the extension of another person’s telephone
to which you have full access (that is, you can “bridge” onto calls
appearing at that person’s telephone).
Monitored Line, which is the extension of another person’s telephone
for which you can monitor the status (that is, in use, on hold, or
2. Perform one of the following steps:
If you want to manually configure the PassageWay Configurator,
proceed to Step 3.
If you want to automatically configure the PassageWay Configurator,
perform the following steps:
a. If you have a 6400 Series telephone with a display, proceed to
Step c.
If you have a 6400 Series telephone without a display, choose the
button where the Next feature button is located on your
A submenu appears.