About This Guide
Chapter 1 - Introduction
This chapter describes the structure and content of this guide. This
chapter also provides a brief introduction to Telephony Manager.
Chapter 2 - Installing and Configuring Telephony Manager
This chapter describes how to install and configure the PassageWay
Telephony Manager software and the PassageWay Service Provider
Chapter 3 - Using the Telephony Manager Applications
This chapter describes how to start the Telephony Manager,
Phonebook, Log Manager, Auto-Task Manager, Script Editor, and
Anywhere Dialer applications.
Chapter 4 - Troubleshooting
This chapter provides information about possible error conditions and
how to respond to them when you install, start, and use PassageWay
Telephony Manager.
Appendix A - PC Serial Ports
This appendix provides detailed information about PC serial ports.
Appendix B - Changing the Settings for the 8411 Telephone
This appendix provides the procedures and commands for changing
or viewing options on the 8411 telephone.
Appendix C - PassageWay Service Provider Planning Form
This appendix provides a planning form to help you configure the
PassageWay Service Provider.
The index provides a quick way of locating information within this