MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Issue 1
August 1998
Initializing and Testing the System
Page 7-13
Testing the System
!When the person answers, verify that you have good two-way
communication, then hang up.
The green LED should turn off, the red LED should turn off, and another
red LED may turn on.
!Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for each outgoing or two-way
dial-repeating tie trunk.
Testing BRI Trunks
Perform the testing described in “
800 NI-BRI Module Problems”
Chapter 4 of
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Testing Selected System Features
This section provides procedures to test the following system features:
■ Automatic Route Selection (ARS). For Hybrid/PBX mode only.
Use the same test for Idle Line Preference, a similar feature used
in Key mode only. Use the same test for Station Message Detail
Recording (SMDR), as explained in the test procedure. Refer to
Planning Forms 3e, 3f, and 3g for ARS information.
■ Group Calling. Use the same test for the Listed Directory
Number (the QCC queue), which is for Hybrid/PBX only. Use the
same test for Group Paging. Refer to Planning Form 7d for Group
Calling information.
■ Coverage. Refer to Planning Form 7c for Group Coverage
If any feature does not work properly, check system programming. You
can run these tests easily from an MLX telephone or an analog multiline