MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Issue 1
August 1998
Connecting the Control Unit to the Network Interface
Page 4-3
The adapter you need to connect the central office trunks to the control
unit depends on the type of network interface installed, as shown in
Table 4–1.
After installing the adapter, label each jack that connects a central office
trunk to the control unit with the trunk’s number. Use the list provided by
the local telephone company or System Form 2c, System Numbering:
Line/Trunk Jacks for outside trunks as a reference.
If you need to connect the trunk cords differently from the
instructions on the system forms, record each change on Form 2c,
System Numbering: Line/Trunk Jacks. See Appendix A, “System
Numbering Forms.”
Also, you may need to know the interface codes for network
Table 4-1. Network Interfaces
Interface Description Adapter
RJ11 Connects one outside ground-start (GS),
loop-start (LS), or Direct Inward Dial (DID)
trunk to one modular jack.
RJ14 Connects two outside trunks to one
modular jack (GS, LS, or DID).
2-line adapter (267C-type)
RJ21X 50-pin connector connects 25 110AB1
jack-panel block to outside trunks (GS, LS
or DID).
110AB1 jack-panel block
RJ2GX 50-pin connector for up to eight tie trunks. 356A for eight or fewer tie
trunks; 259A for one tie
RJ48C/X Connects DS1 facilities to a four-pair jack
(two active pairs).
Z601A if modular cords are