Mitel 2700-1398-B1 Answering Machine User Manual

Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
This string is sent before the directory number (extension number) to instruct the PBX to turn the
message waiting indicator off at that station.
Table 5-3 RS-232 Message Waiting Indicators
Interface Codes
Code Explanation
\r carriage return
\n new line
\t tab
\b backspace
\f form feed
\\ backslash
\" double quotes
\? question mark
. no string needed
Post-DN On String
Enter the coding, if any, that must be sent after the directory number to turn message waiting
indicators on. There is no default post-DN on string.
Post-DN Off String
Enter the coding, if any, that must be sent after the directory number to turn message waiting
indicators off. There is no default post-DN off string.
Department Code as DN?
Enter Yes if you want the server to send the department code as the DN when issuing a request
to turn indicators on or off. When this feature is set at the default value, No, the server sends the
mailbox number as the DN.
Figure 5-2 Sample RS-232 Message Waiting Lights Worksheet
Unplayed Number Sent?
Enter Yes if you want the server to send the number of unplayed messages after the DN, when
issuing a request to turn indicators on. The default value is No.
Delay After Post-DN String
This parameter is the period of time, in seconds, between the post-DN off string and the ending
trailer string. This delay gives the PBX time to process each request correctly. If requests come
too quickly, the PBX could drop or corrupt them. From 0 to 255 seconds can be specified. There
is no default delay.
Ending Trailer String
If the PBX requires this string, the server sends it after the delay just described. Use the
characters in Table 5-3 to create this string, up to 30 characters long. There is no default ending
trailer string.
Suppress Updates to MWL?
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