Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Pre-DN OFF string M0
Post-DN ON string \r
Post-DN OFF string \r
See the table of ASCII codes under "Configuring the Programmable Interface" for definitions of
these settings.
Specialized Message Waiting Indicator Systems
The following specialized message waiting indicator systems require the purchase of additional
hardware and software. Instructions for installing and configuring these systems are shipped with
the products.
AC Message Lamp
The server is equipped with the NuPoint Messenger AC Message Lamp system. When you
create or modify a mailbox, the server prompts for the address of the user's AC message lamp
unit, which is set with the thumbwheel switches on the message indicator box.
An AC message lamp address starts with a house code, which can be any letter from A through
P. This is followed by a unit code, which can be any number from 1 through 16. Examples are
A1, D5, P16. Address P1 is reserved for troubleshooting and diagnostics, and must not be
assigned to a mailbox.
After the address is entered, the server prompts for the number of the AC controller. The
controller number is either 1 or 2, depending on the controller unit that is shipped with the AC
message lamp system. Both controllers are equivalent; the unit shipped depends on availability.
The controller number is displayed in the server's configuration report.
Tip and Ring Message Waiting Lamps
The server sends signals over the telephone lines to either a Tip and Ring Message Waiting
Notification Controller (TRNC), which controls message waiting indicators at users' stations; or to
a dispatch indicator board, which is used for automated dispatch applications.
When this message waiting type is chosen (during mailbox create or modify), the server issues a
prompt that lets you specify the chassis number and line number. More than one TRNC unit can
be connected to a server. The chassis number is the number of the TRNC unit to which the
user's telephone line is connected. The line number is the exact position where the line is
attached to that chassis. The technician who installs the Tip & Ring message waiting indicators
system makes a list of the users' stations and their corresponding addresses.
You can also use this message waiting type with the Alltel Dispatch System.
Video Dispatch
Video Dispatch is part of the Automated Dispatch Communications System. Video terminals
display the status of dispatch mailboxes. These displays are updated as messages are received,
played, and deleted. Special hardware and software must be purchased from your distributor to
run a Video Dispatch system.
Optional Features
The other pre-programmed RS-232 message waiting indicators interfaces, listed below, are
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