Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Configuration Requirements for RCOS-Specific Parameters
In addition to the RCOS number and name, you can set and modify RCOS-specific parameters
for each of the 64 RCOSs, making calling capabilities variable for different mailboxes. These
parameters are discussed in the following paragraphs. An RCOS Worksheet (Figure 8-8) helps
you organize the information you need for assigning RCOS parameters. Enter these parameters
in the “RCOS-Specific Parameters” portion of the worksheet.
Home NPA
Because a system can connect to foreign exchange trunks, you must specify the “local” NPA for
each RCOS. If a dial string does not contain an NPA, this number is added for the screening
process. The system can accept a number of up to three digits for the NPA.
Digits to Be Absorbed
Many calls contain numbers at the beginning of the dial string that allow access to outside lines,
international calling, or pager systems. You must remove these numbers before the actual
screening process can begin. Numbers entered in the Absorption Table are removed from the
dial string before the screening process. If the dial string does not contain any digits to be
absorbed, there is an option to skip the balance of the call screening process. This facilitates
outdial placement to other mailboxes on the system. The system absorbs the longest matching
string in the absorption table from the dial string starting from the first digit. The table capacity is
16 patterns, with a maximum of 10 digits per pattern.
Exact Match Database
You can enter numbers in the exact match database and specify if they are to be allowed or
disallowed. The table capacity is 100 patterns, with a maximum of 25 digits per pattern.
Entries to this database should include common numbers that you do not want used for message
addressing. Such numbers include 911, 411, 5551212, and 0.
NPA Database
The NPA database contains area codes that are screened. You can configure the database to
either allow or disallow access to specific area codes. For example, you can restrict the mailbox
to only the local NPA or restrict access to NPAs such as 900 numbers.
It is possible to restrict outdial access to only one NPA by setting the NPA allow/disallow status to
allow and creating an NPA table with only one NPA entry. Remember that if you want to set any
outdial restrictions for the home NPA, you must enter that NPA in the table.
NXX Database
After you specify an NPA, the system asks if you want NXX screening for the specific NPA. You
must also set the allow/disallow status for the NXX field. The NXX allow or disallow setting takes
priority over the NPA setting. This is useful for restricting the use of an NPA to only specific
NXXs. The setting for the NPA in this situation is not used in determining if the call is placed.
Call placement is determined only by the NXX allow/disallow setting. The system treats the
combined NPA/NXX (408/415 for example) in light of the NXX allow/disallow setting, regardless
of the NPA setting.
Figure 8-8 Sample RCOS Worksheet
Distribution Lists
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