Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Parent mailbox
Mailbox that routes users and callers to child mailboxes. Parent mailboxes must contain a
distribution list so that the server knows how to route users and callers. Parent mailboxes can
be broadcast, rotational, or tree mailboxes.
See Mailbox passcode.
A server security feature consisting of an alphanumeric code required during login to verify a
user’s access to server menus. See also mailbox passcode.
Private Branch Exchange; a business telephone system, usually on premises, that switches calls
from public telephone network to stations in the system.
Permission category
When FPSA is activated, one of five levels of access that the server superuser assigns to
NuPoint Voice superusers and console users. At least one category is associated with a user
ID and every server menu.
Phoneline exceptions (LEs)
Parameters that tell the NuPoint Voice application how to handle phone lines, in terms of
dialing speed, voltages, etc.
Play message
To listen to a voice message.
Played message
A message which the user has heard and decides to keep.
Property Management System. Integrated with a server, allows mailbox creation directly from
the PMS.
A physical hardware connection. A server port is the physical telephone line connection to the
server. Also see Serial port.
Post-pager number
A dial string used to control a pager, either to display a set of numbers or to enter special
codes. Used with the outdial index and the pager number, all three of which are stored in the
user’s mailbox.
Primary MWI
The message waiting indication that is signaled when a mailbox gets a new message. If an
alternate MWI is also defined, that one will be signaled if the user does not respond by calling
into the server.
Primary pager
The pager that is signaled when a mailbox gets a new message. If an alternate pager is also
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