Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
To change a paging schedule, a mailbox owner’s mailbox must have an FCOS that includes
feature bit 077 (Change pager schedule). To change a paging number, a mailbox owner’s
mailbox must have an FCOS that includes bit 124 (Change paging phone number). Both these
bits require bit 070 (User Options Menu) to work. The mailbox owner’s mailbox FCOS must
contain bit 182 or 183 to change the schedule according to the weekday or weekend.
Note: If mailbox owners’ pager numbers contain characters not on the keypad, such as G or T, put a post-
pager number in their mailboxes to transmit these codes.
Table 4-2 Feature Bits That Control Paging
Feature Function
070 User Options Menu
077 Enable paging from a telephone; allow schedule changes from a telephone
079 Set message wait # 1 for urgent messages only
080 Set message wait # 2 for urgent messages only
124 Change paging number
168 Message wait 1, pager requeue
169 Message wait 2, pager requeue
181 Paging over message delivery, message waiting 1 over message waiting 2
182 Use pri/alt as week/weekend for MWI (message waiting type) 1
183 Use pri/alt as week/weekend for MWI (message waiting type) 2
212 Send page upon answer, greeting-only mailbox
Pager Re-Queue
The pager re-queue feature is activated by feature bit 168 for schedule one and bit 169 for
schedule two. If you have paging scheduled from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and receive a call at midnight,
the server does not automatically page you at 9 a.m., and does not page until another message
arrives during the scheduled time period. By including these feature bits in the FCOS you
assigned to the paging mailbox, you are called as soon as the scheduled start time begins,
instead of having to wait for another message.
For further information on FCOSs and feature bits, see the Features Class of Service chapter.
Changing an LCOS Definition
The limits listed in Table 4-3 affect paging mailboxes. You might need to change the LCOS
assigned to the paging mailbox accordingly. The limits listed in the table and discussed in the
following paragraphs are:
• Pagers per billing period
• Paging—phone length
• Receipt retention, regular
Pages Per Billing Period
This limit can control the number of pages allowed for a billing period. This allows server
administrators to control the number of paging functions allowed a user per billing period, and can
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