Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Dial individual pager number is. 06125554534
Wait four seconds for line to settle. ++++
Wait for computer tone. G
Dial calling card number 503102533346666
Wait four seconds for line to settle. ++++
Wait for computer (dial) tone. G
Dial display data (mailbox). 6446
Enter # to indicate that all the data has been
entered and make paging terminal hang up.
In this case, such as in Example 3 (DID Display pager), configuration is complex, since there is
insufficient room in the mailbox Pager Number parameter to specify the individual pager number,
the calling card number,
the display data, all of which are unique to this pager. In most
installations, however, DID display pagers share a common area code and prefix (0-612-555, in
this case), and configuring the area code and prefix into the outdial index allows more than one
pager to use that pager system.
The organization of the dial string is:
Pager system dial string T9T0612555
Pager Number 4534++++G503102533346666
Post-Pager Number ++++G6446#
The paging Mailbox Worksheet entries are:
Pager access type B (billed outdial index)
Billing order nb
Message delivery No
Finally, to use the calling card capability, you must set Phoneline Exception 32 to a value
between 35 and 40. (The default is 24.) Refer to the
NuPoint Messenger Installation and Service
for your platform to do this.
Individual Rates
The server’s billing rates structure does allow you to specify an individual rate for each pager
system. This rate is multiplied by the number of pages that are issued for the mailbox. If you put
message delivery accounts and radio pager accounts on separate pager systems, you can
increase the charges on the pager systems that serve message delivery subscribers to
compensate for any toll charges that the telephone company levies.
User Telephone Interface
The following paragraphs discuss the user telephone interface for paging, message delivery, call
placement, and passcode protection.
Paging and Message Delivery Telephone Interface
Users control their schedules and phone numbers by beginning at the Call Schedule Options
Menu, an option on the User Options Menu. From there, they go to the Paging/Message Delivery
Schedule Menu, where they can alter the start and stop times and phone numbers.
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