Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Warns of a condition that could severely injure or kill you.
Before You Start
This manual assumes that you are familiar with using a console and keyboard. This section
describes how to use the NuPoint Messenger server effectively.
Console Tips and Techniques
The tips and techniques offered in the following paragraphs can make configuration entry
sessions at the NuPoint Messenger server console more productive.
Viewing Menus
• When you finish entering a value for a parameter, the server displays an abbreviated form of
the current menu, called the "short menu." To view the complete current menu when a short
menu is displayed, press Enter.
• To return to the Main Menu from any NuPoint Voice configuration menu, press X (Exit), until
the Main Menu appears.
Accepting Defaults
• To accept a default displayed in a prompt, just press Enter.
• To accept a default displayed in a menu, no action is necessary.
Quitting an Entry Session
You can quit at any point during entry of offline or online parameters and Class of Service menus.
Quitting discards all entries you have made and leaves the NuPoint Voice configuration the way it
was before you started entering parameters.
To quit from the NuPoint Voice Configuration Offline or Online menu:
Select: (Q) Quit -- Forget Changes
Prompt: Quit and Forget changes? (y/n) =
Response: Y to return to the NuPoint Voice Configuration Main Menu.
Shortcut Commands
You can use the Ctrl (Control) key or the / (slash) key while simultaneously pressing another key
to execute shortcut commands at a system maintenance console.
To do this... Type...
Activate a timed-out console any key
Exit from the offline or online menus, or FCOS, LCOS, GCOS
menus, and save any entries.
Copyright 2002, Mitel Networks Corporation 6