Mitel 2700-1398-B1 Answering Machine User Manual

Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Mailboxes starting with 5, 6, 7, and 8 are three digits long.
9 10 Mailbox numbers starting with 9 are ten digits long. Valid
mailbox numbers are 916-456-7777 and 912-456-7777.
1 0 No mailboxes start with 1. Mailbox numbers 1, 11, 111, and so
on are all invalid.
The default dialing plan is
3,3 3,3 3,3 3,3,3
meaning all mailboxes have 3 digits.
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Other entries allowed in the dialing plan allow other NuPoint Messenger server features. Table 2-
5 lists these entries for your reference.
Table 2-5 Dialing Plan Elements
Element Explanation
0-11 Length of the mailbox. Zero means none may start with this number.
V Variable number (1 through 11) of digits; server uses timeout to determine
end of mailbox number
M Analog networking (AMIS) mailboxes leading digit
A Dial-by-Name (ASCII) leading digit
T Call placement leading digit
An Networked mailboxes, n = mailbox number length. NV (variable number
length) acceptable
Pn Network mailbox prefix used, n = mailbox length including prefix digit
If the extension numbers at your site use too many starting digits to implement all these
capabilities in your dialing plan, you could use the optional star prefix dialing plan, described
Optional Star Prefix Dialing Plan
The dialing plan described above tells the NuPoint Voice application how to handle DTMF digits 1
through 9. If you have mailbox numbers and other features that use all ten of these digits, you
can implement the optional star prefix dialing plan. This allows additional features using digit entry
followed by the star (*) key. You can implement several features with the optional dialing plan, as
shown in Table 2-6.
Table 2-6 Optional Star Prefix Dialing Plan Capabilities
Optional Dialing Plan Choices Counterpart in Regular
Dialing Plan
Dial-by-Name A
Analog Networking M
Networking without prefix N
Networking with prefix P
Call Placement T
PBX Considerations
A PBX only allows a certain range of extension numbers. Ideally, employees’ mailbox numbers
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