Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
are listed by line group.
Each time a successful page is issued, a counter is incremented in the mailbox. This does not
necessarily correspond to the number of messages received. If two messages are received at the
same time, only one page is made. If a message is not picked up within a selected period (the
pager interval, which was configured when the mailbox was created), the server repages, if the
mailbox pager frequency (which also was configured when the mailbox was created) is greater
than 1. Each repage is counted as a separate page.
Adjusting Pager Call Rates in Mid-Cycle
The rate at which a page is billed depends on the access code index (the Pager System number)
that is in the mailbox setup at the time the gather is done, not the one that is present at the time
the page is made. If the access code index or the billing rate is changed in the middle of the
billing period, all pages that were accumulated during the billing period are billed at the new rate.
When paging service is discontinued in the middle of the billing period, there is no access code
index in the mailbox at the time of billing and, therefore, no pages are billed, even if some have
accumulated. To avoid this situation, generate a Termination Report (described earlier) before
modifying the mailbox. This calculates the amount due without changing the statistics in the
mailbox; the other charges are correct at the regular billing.
Low Usage Rates, Low/High Boundary, High Usage Rate
Message Delivery Billing Considerations
The server is capable of billing both paging and message delivery on a per-page basis. However,
keep in mind that the server installation site, as the calling party, is responsible for any charges
that accrue when paging or message delivery calls are made to the outside telephone network.
While pager calls are usually very short, message delivery calls can be quite long. Since the cost
of each call depends on the time of day that it was made, the duration of the call, the distance to
the user, and the rates of the local telephone company, the server makes no provisions for this
aspect of the billing.
Adjusting Rates
You can set, adjust, or leave as is a low usage rate, low/high boundary rate, and high usage rate
for each of the statistics in the billing categories on the worksheet (Table 11-2).
Unsuccessful repages are not counted in the mailbox statistics.
Termination of Paging
The rates and boundary specified apply to all pagers in the specified pager system.
The billing rates structure does allow you to specify an individual rate for each pager system. This
rate is multiplied by the number of pages that are issued for the mailbox. If you put message
delivery accounts and radio pager accounts on separate pager systems, you can increase the
charges on the pager systems that service message delivery subscribers to compensate for any
toll charges that the telephone company levies.
Table 11-2 Billing Categories
Category Statistics Calculated and Reported
Mailbox accesses Logins
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