Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
class of Service (FCOS). The server accepts any FCOS number from 1 through 640, even if
no feature bits are programmed for that FCOS. No error message is issued. Be sure to enter
the correct Feature Class of Service!
• When Administration by Phone prompts for a three-digit limits class of service, enter the
Limits Class of Service (LCOS). The server accepts any LCOS number from 1 through 640.
Be sure that you enter the correct LCOS.
• You can assign any valid message waiting indication to the mailbox, but you cannot add
other information by phone, such as paging. This message waiting indication does not work
without extra programming. You can create mailboxes that require extra programming at the
server maintenance console.
The single exception to this rule is the AC message lamp. The following section gives instructions
for programming an AC message lamp address by telephone.
AC Message Lamp Address Codes
An AC message lamp address consists of a House Code, which can be any letter from A
through P, followed by a Unit Code, which can be any number from 1 through 16. Examples are
A1, D5, P16. Address P1 is reserved for troubleshooting and diagnostics and cannot be assigned
to a mailbox. Due to the limitations of the telephone key pad, you must enter the address
1. House Code: Numbers 2 through 9 on your telephone key pad represent three different
letters each. In order to specify which letter is desired, the server requires that you enter two
numbers to represent a house code letter: the key number, then the letter position (from the
left). For example, you enter K as 52, because K is on the number 5 key and at the second
position from the left (JKL). Table 9-1 lists the AC message lamps house codes.
Table 9-1 AC Message Waiting Lamp House Codes
Letter Enter Letter Enter
A 21 I 43
B 22 J 51
C 23 K 52
D 31 L 53
E 32 M 61
F 33 N 62
G 41 O 63
H 42 P 71
2. Unit Code: Since the server prompts for a four-digit AC message lamp address, you must
enter Unit Codes as a two-digit number. For example, numbers from 1 through 9 are entered
as 01 through 09.
Note: If you want to verify that the AC message lamp address was entered correctly, press M to modify the
mailbox you have just added, and press the star (*) key in response to each prompt to leave all
values unchanged. The server gives the current AC message waiting lamp address as “K1” (not
Deleting a Mailbox
You can delete a single mailbox, but not a range of mailboxes by phone.
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