Issue 2.0 December 1995 3-5
Perform Acceptance Testing
For acceptance testing, you must perform administration on both the MERLIN
LEGEND system and the Intuity system. Then, you make test calls to check
functionality. The major difference between acceptance testing and cut-to-
service is the smaller number of subscribers and the more limited functionality
These procedures correspond to the following steps in Chapter 2 of the
Intuity MAP/n Installation Checklist
■ Add Test Subscribers 1 and 2
■ Test Call Answer and Voice Mail
■ Remove Test Subscribers 1 and 3
You must perform the following tasks to administer a MERLIN LEGEND switch for
acceptance tests:
1. Select two subscribers from among the stations listed on Form 2a as
having Intuity AUDIX call coverage and defined by Forms 4b, 4d, 5a, or
5b. If you are working during business hours, request that the MERLIN
LEGEND System Administrator select the subscribers so that business will
not be disturbed.
Use the MERLIN LEGEND system programming procedure described in
Chapter 5, ‘‘MERLIN LEGEND Switch Administration’’ in this book to add
the extensions of the selected subscribers to the coverage group. The
coverage group was defined on the Group Coverage form (Form 7c for
Release 3.0; Form 6d for Release 2.0) that you filled out following the
instructions in Chapter 2, ‘‘Planning the Integration’’ in this book.
2. Select the same two subscribers from among those defined on the Intuity
system using Worksheet
Intuity AUDIX Subscriber Administration
that you
filled out in Chapter 2 of
Intuity New System Planning for Release 3.0.
Add the selected subscribers to the Intuity system. Use the Intuity system
add subscriber procedure described in Chapter 10, “INTUITY AUDIX Cut-
to-Service Procedures” of
Intuity Software Installation for Release 3.0
3. Connect the coverage group to the integrated VMI calling group by using
the programming procedure described in Chapter 5, ‘‘MERLIN LEGEND
Switch Administration’’ in this book. The calling group was defined on the
Group Calling form (Form 7d for Release 3.0; Form 6e for Release 2.0) that
you filled out following the instructions in Chapter 2, ‘‘Planning the
Integration’’ in this book.
4. Make test calls to each subscriber, but do not answer the calls. The Intuity
system should provide call answer service for these calls.