Issue 2.0 December 1995 5-15
Assign Extensions for Night Service
Use this procedure to assign all extensions to a Night Service group for after-
hours coverage.
A maximum of eight Night Service groups can be assigned (no more than one for
each operator position assigned). Any number of telephones can be assigned to
a Night Service group, and a telephone can belong to more than one group.
To assign all extensions to a Night Service group for after-hours coverage:
1. From the System Programming menu, select Night Service.
■ On the console: Select NightSrvce.
■ On the PC: Press .
The Night Service menu appears.
2. Select Group Assignment.
■ On the console: Select GroupAssign.
■ On the PC: Press .
The Night Serv Group Assign screen appears.
3. To add an extension to a Night Service group:
■ On the console: Select Extensions.
■ On the PC: Press .
4. Enter the attendant extension for which you are assigning Night Service.
5. Save your entry.
■ On the console: Select Enter.
■ On the PC: Press .
6. Enter the telephone extension you want to assign to the group.
7. To save your entry and assign extension to another service group
■ If the next service group operator is sequential:
— On the console: Select Next and repeat Step 6.
— On the PC: Press and repeat Step 6.
Your previous entry is saved and the next service group
operator is shown on line 1 of the screen.