xvi Issue 2.0 December 1995
■ The sequence of menu options that you must select to display a specific
screen is shown as follows:
Begin at the INTUITY Administration menu, and select the following
In this example, you would first access the INTUITY Administration menu.
Then you would select the Voice System Administration option to display
the Voice System Administration menu. From that menu, you would select
the Voice Equipment option to display the Voice Equipment screen.
Trademarks and Service Marks
The following trademarked products may be mentioned in this book:
Product Name Company
AUDIX® Registered trademark of AT&T
COMSPHERE® Registered trademark of AT&T Paradyne Corp.
CONVERSANT® Voice Information
Registered trademark of AT&T
Intuity™ Trademark of AT&T
MERLIN LEGEND® Registered trademark of AT&T
Paradyne® Registered trademark of AT&T
UNIX® Registered trademark of UNIX Systems
Laboratories, Inc.
> Voice Equipment
> Voice System Administration