3-4 Issue 2.0 December 1995
The following procedures should be performed before proceeding with the
remainder of the Intuity system software installation:
1. Stop the voice system, set the number of digits in the dial plan, and restart
the voice system. Use the number of digits information on Worksheet A
that you filled out following the instructions in Chapter 2, ‘‘Planning the
Integration’’ in this book. The Intuity system programming procedure is
described in the “Set number of Digits in Dial Plan” section of Chapter 6,
‘‘Intuity System Administration’’ in this book.
2. Administer the assigned service to called number information. Use the
service and called number information on Worksheet
Services for Assign
Services to Called Number
that you filled out following the instructions in
Chapter 2, ‘‘Planning the Integration’’ in this book. The Intuity system
programming procedure is described in the “Assign Services to Called
Numbers” section of Chapter 3, “Initial Platform Administration and Test”
Intuity Software Installation for Release 3.0,
3. Administer channel information for installation. Use the extension and
service information on Worksheet
Channel Information for Installation
you filled out following the instructions in Chapter 2, ‘‘Planning the
Integration’’ in this book. The Intuity system programming procedure is
described in the “Map Services to Channels for Operation” section of
Chapter 3, “Initial Platform Administration and Test” in
Intuity Software
Installation for Release 3.0,
4. Set the system parameters required for MERLIN LEGEND system. Use the
parameter information on Worksheet
Intuity AUDIX System Parameters
Features: Transfer Considerations
that you filled out following the
instructions in Chapter 2, ‘‘Planning the Integration’’ in this book. The
Intuity system programming procedure is described in the “Administer
Intuity AUDIX Parameters and Basic Features” section of Chapter 4,
“Intuity AUDIX Administration and Test” in
Intuity Software Installation for
Release 3.0,