Issue 2.0 December 1995 2-1
Planning the Integration
Before you integrate the MERLIN LEGEND system with the Intuity system, you
must plan the process. This chapter provides information about both the MERLIN
LEGEND system and Intuity system planning worksheets and administration
forms to help record information needed for integration on both sides.
MERLIN LEGEND system Release 3.0 forms are located in
Communications System, Release 3.0, System Planning
MERLIN LEGEND system Release 2.1 forms are located in
Communications System, Release 2.1, System Planning
All Intuity System forms are located in
Intuity New System Planning for
Release 3.0
For information about using Automated Attendants for INTUITY FAX
Messaging, refer to
Intuity New System Planning for Release 3.0
, Chapter
2, “Planning for Intuity AUDIX Automated Attendants,” “Automated
Attendant for MERLIN LEGEND Fax Call Answer Interceptions or Transfer
to an Intuity AUDIX Mailbox.”
Integration Planning
To plan for the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System side of the integration,
complete the following information on the MERLIN LEGEND system forms:
■ Application Names (Form 1)
■ Number Plan (Forms 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d)