Chapter 23: Managing and Using MeetMe Conference
312 AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual
Modifying the E-mail Template
You can edit the e-mail template used by MeetMe Conference to be suitable for your
situation. The same template is used for all meeting invitations. To modify it, click the
Update Email Template button.
The following variables are included in the template:
• Schedule
• Meeting ID
• Meeting subject
• Meeting passcode
When you are editing the template, you can choose these variables from the Insert
menu to have the specified information automatically inserted where you place it. Users
who schedule a meeting can make further edits to the invitation when MeetMe
Conference pastes it into Outlook.
Starting and Stopping a Meeting
The meeting host and the AltiWare Administrator (“altiadmin”) can start and stop a
To start a meeting, select the meeting in the MeetMe Conference window and choose
Start. Once the meeting is “started,” the host can log into it (described in the following
To stop a meeting before its scheduled duration is over, select the meeting and choose
Stop. Manually stopping a meeting frees up resources. Otherwise, the resources will not
be freed until the scheduled meeting duration is over.
Continuing a Meeting Beyond Its Duration Time
When the scheduled meeting time is up, the meeting may continue if no other scheduled
meeting needs the resources. If another meeting is scheduled and the resources are
needed for that meeting, the current meeting is terminated.