Nortel Networks DCT1900 Telephone User Manual

Technical Product Manual - DCT1900
Commissioning, Visual Checks
Comm-DCT1900/R8/mw 2-1
© 2000-2005
Visual Checks
2.1 General
Visual inspection consists of checking the LEDs on the system boards and the availability of all
system boards and Base Stations.
2.2 LEDs on the System Boards
Check the following LEDs:
1. On the CPU board only the upper–most green LED (LED1) must be on. LED6 blinks
periodically according to the setting of the ACK test (see Section 7, "Maintenance" in this
2. All green LEDs on all other system boards must be on.
3. Red LEDs must be off. In certain situations a red LED on the DTU board can be on, see
Paragraph 2.3.
2.3 Availability of all System Boards and Base Stations
The status of the system boards and Base Stations can be checked with the help of the system
menu of the CSMW Software. All hardware/peripherals must have the AVE status. However, for
the DTU, CLU and SLU boards the following exceptions may be applicable:
z DTU board
A Digital Trunk Circuit (DTC) that is not connected to the PBX must have its corresponding L1
with the status NEW and L2 with no status indication (LED4 is on).
z CLU and SLU board
Peripherals (CLCs) that are not connected to Base Stations will have the status PNP (Possibly
Not Present). Peripherals with initialized (delay value specified) Base Stations should have the
status AVE. A CLC with a non-initialized Base Station has the status NEW causing LED4 of
the CLU or SLU board to be on.