Xilinx UG129 Answering Machine User Manual

PicoBlaze 8-bit Embedded Microcontroller www.xilinx.com 99
UG129 (v1.1.2) June 24, 2008
INPUT sX, Operand — Set PORT_ID to Operand, Read value on IN_PORT into Register sX
INPUT sX, Operand — Set PORT_ID to Operand, Read value on
IN_PORT into Register sX
The INPUT instruction sets the PORT_ID output port to either the value specified by
register sY or by the immediate constant kk. The instruction then reads the value on the
IN_PORT input port into register sX. Flags are not affected by this operation.
Interface logic decodes the PORT_ID address to provide the correct value on IN_PORT.
INPUT sX, sY ; Read the value on IN_PORT into register sX, set PORT_ID
; to the contents of sY
INPUT sX, kk ; Read the value on IN_PORT into register sX, set PORT_ID
; to the immediate constant kk
PORT_ID Å Operand
PC Å PC + 1
Registers/Flags Altered
Registers: sX, PC
Flags: None
pBlazIDE Equivalent: IN
The READ_STROBE output is asserted during the second CLK cycle of the two-cycle
INPUT operation.