Xilinx UG129 Answering Machine User Manual

58 www.xilinx.com PicoBlaze 8-bit Embedded Microcontroller
UG129 (v1.1.2) June 24, 2008
Chapter 6: Input and Output Ports
Repartitioning the Design for Maximum Performance
Another approach to maximizing performance is to re-evaluate the system requirements. If
the number of I/O ports is the bottleneck in the system, ask if all the ports are actually
required as part of a single application or whether a single PicoBlaze microcontroller is
performing multiple tasks. If multiple tasks share a single PicoBlaze core, consider
partitioning the design into multiple PicoBlaze applications, each with a reduced number
of I/O ports. Partitioning the design may have additional benefits such as simplifying the
application code and reducing resource requirements.
Figure 6-11: Effective Pipelining Improves Read Performance
PicoBlaze Microcontroller