Xilinx UG129 Answering Machine User Manual

82 www.xilinx.com PicoBlaze 8-bit Embedded Microcontroller
UG129 (v1.1.2) June 24, 2008
Chapter 12: Simulating PicoBlaze Code
Furthermore, the pBlazIDE ISS offers full single-step and breakpoint support while
viewing the PicoBlaze assembly source code. Evaluate the software timing for end
application. Observe code coverage. Simulate basic FPGA interaction using the pBlazIDE
DSIN, DSOUT, and DSIO directives (see “Defining I/O Ports (pBlazIDE),” page 76 for
more information).
Best of all, the pBlazIDE graphical development environment is free! Download the latest
version directly from the Mediatronix website:
The pBlazIDE ISS does not support full simulation of the PicoBlaze microcontroller
embedded with all the other FPGA logic. Fortunately, the PicoBlaze core source files
support both VHDL and Verilog simulation using the ModelSim simulator. ModelSim
allows the entire design to be simulated, including accurate timing information and textual
disassembly features.
If using the Xilinx System Generator software, there is full development and system-level
simulation support for the PicoBlaze microcontroller. Refer to “Designing PicoBlaze
Microcontroller Application” in the Xilinx System Generator User Guide (see Reference 3) for
more information.
Instruction Set Simulation with pBlazIDE
The Mediatronix pBlazIDE instruction set simulator (ISS), shown in Figure 12-1, provides
complete internal observability during code development. Begin simulation by clicking
Assemble, as shown in Table 12-2. The pBlazIDE ISS also provides instruction
breakpoints, single-stepping, register and RAM observation, code coverage, and software
Xilinx System
Full PicoBlaze system-level simulation
with the System Generator environment
Cycle-accurate Instruction Set
Simulation (ISS)
Register and memory viewer
Primarily only useful is already using
Xilinx System Generator
In-system on FPGA Fast, real-time performance
Ideal for complex interactions
Integrated with peripherals, displays,
UARTs, etc.
Poor visibility of register contents
Table 12-1: PicoBlaze Code Simulation Options
Verification Tool Strengths Weaknesses