Toll Restriction
Program 45-1 – LCR/Toll Restriction Dial Plan
Strata DK Programming 5/00 4-17
Toll Restriction
Plan 3
♦ Plan 3 is 1+AC+NXX/NXX. Use this plan where a user places a long distance call to a
destination outside the area code by dialing a 1 before dialing the area code. The user places a
long distance call to a destination in the same area code by simply dialing the number, without
a 1 in front. The office codes are interchangeable. The system differentiates between them
whenever it sees the digit 1 dialed.
When using this plan, the system recognizes the following:
♦ If 1 is the first number entered in an 11-digit string, the next three digits are an area code.
♦ A 10-digit string is not recognized.
♦ The first three digits in a seven-digit string are an office code. (There is no distinction
between local call dialing and long distance dialing within the area code.)
♦ Digits 5~7 in an 11-digit string may be an interchangeable office code as well.
Plans 4~6
Not used in the United States.
Post 1995 North American Numbering Plan (NANP)
Plans 7~9 use the NANP established January 1995. DK14, DK40i, and all DK424 and DK424i
processors provide plans 7~9.
♦ Prefix 1 is used only when followed by an area code. The area code can be the home area code,
depending on the telephone company’s plan in that state.
♦ Area/Office code numbering schemes – All area codes and office codes will have the format
NXX, making the new plan have both interchangeable area codes as well as interchangeable
office codes.
♦ Intra-area code toll calls can be according to a seven-digit only plan in some states. In this
case, a seven-digit call may be a local call or a toll call. Therefore, only particular office codes
can determine a toll call for a seven-digit call, not the dial plan in 45-1.
Changing System Dialing Plan for NANP from a Station
For NANP upgraded SW version, the dial plan can also be changed from the station port 000
(default station 10, 100, or 200).
➤ To change the System Dialing Plan for the North American Dialing Plan
1. With the handset on-hook,
press a [DN] + .
You hear a confirmation tone.
X is
the current system dialing plan 1, 2,
3, 7, 8, or 9.
2. Enter
. You hear a confirmation tone.
3. Enter the one-digit (X) for
the system dialing plan (X
= 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, or 9).
You hear a confirmation tone.