
Pocket PC Phone User Manual
Pocket PC Phone User Manual
Invoking WLAN Manager
To open the Wireless LAN Manager screen, select Start menu > Settings > Connections
> WLAN. Or, if you have the Wireless Manager screen open (mentioned above), you can
tap the WLAN icon in the Toolbar at the bottom of the Wireless Manager screen.
Using WLAN Manager
The WLAN Manager application consists of three screens: Main, Settings, and LEAP. By
default, the Main screen is displayed. Tap the Settings tab or the LEAP tab near the bottom
of the screen to open those screens.
In the Command Bar, there are two icons. The leftmost icon, Network Cards, is a shortcut
to the Start menu > Settings > Connections tab > Network Cards utility. Tapping the
rightmost icon, Wireless Manager, will switch to the Wireless Manager utility. (Access the
on-line Help from those screens if you need information about their usage.)
NOTE: Tapping the Network Cards icon mentioned above will open the Congure Wireless
Networks screen. This screen lists the available APs and lets you add a new one. Note that
if you are currently connected to the AP, and a correct IP address has been obtained, the
status will be shown as “Connecting” initially. In order to re-paint the status as “Connected,”
simply refresh by leaving the screen and then coming back to it again.