SIGGENSWEEP – Signal Generator Sweep
This command starts the signal generator with a tone and does a sweep. If Repeat is 0, the signal generator will
turn off after the sweep. If Repeat is 1, the signal generator will turn off after signal generator timeout. To stop
the sweep, send a SIGGENEN command with a 0. During the sweep, the box will send out updated SIGGEN
Command Form:
DEVICE SIGGENSWEEP <Channel> <Group> <Amplitude> <Start Frequency> <End Frequency>
<Increment Frequency> <Rate> <Repeat>
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Group Group 1 1, 3, 7 (I, M, L)
Amplitude Signed Float 2 -60.00 – 20.00 dB
Unsigned Float 4 20.00 – 20000.00 Hz
Unsigned Float 4 20.00 – 20000.00 (must be greater than the
Unsigned Float 4 1.00 – 20000.00 Hz
Rate Unsigned Integer 2 10 – 2000 ms Hz
Repeat Unsigned Integer 2 0 = repeat off
1 = repeat on
SIGTOUT – Signal Generator Time Out
Sets the signal generator time out for the unit.
Command Form: DEVICE SIGTOUT [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Value Unsigned Integer 4 0 = Disable
1 – 30
(Null to query in text)
SLVL – Speech Level Control
This command selects/reports the setting of Speech Level Control.
Command Form: DEVICE SLVL <Channel> [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Group Group 1 3 (M)
Value Unsigned Integer 2 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = Toggle
(Null to query in text)
SMTPSRV – SMTP Mail Server Address
This command selects/reports the IP address of the SMTP Mail server, and the Email Address the unit’s SMTP
client sends messages to.
Command Form: DEVICE SMTPSRV [Value Address]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Value IP Address 4 (Null to query in text)
( Clears IP and String)
Address String 40 1 – 40 characters
(Null to query in text)