The Cross Point Attenuation slider appears. Move the slider or use the selector box to set the gain/attenuation
level in dB. The range is from -60 to 12dB in .5dB increments. The default is 0dB.
NOTE: Your changes are automatically saved when you close the slider.
Channel Routing Matrix: Outputs, Processing, Faders
In the channel routing matrix, pressing the button underneath an Output, Process, or Fader cross point box
displays the signal flow diagram and configuration controls for that channel. For example, clicking on Output 5
displays the routing configuration for output channel 5 as shown below.
This display is identical to that shown in Channel when the output channel is selected in the Tree View pane. See
Output Settings for more information.
You can change the channel Label (name) of the output channel in the label entry field; toggle NOM constant gain
on or off; toggle Mute on or off; and use the Gain slider to set the gain level for the channel. The Output Level
meter shows the level for the channel in real time as you make configuration changes.
NOTE: Changes to configuration settings made in the channel routing matrix apply globally to that
channel. For example, changing the label (name) from “Output 1” to “Ceiling Speakers”
changes the name of the output channel in the Tree View pane, and everywhere else the
label appears in Console.
Creating Channel Objects
One of the most powerful features of Console is the ability to create Channel Objects. Channel objects capture
all settings for the channel at the time the object is created. After configuring an input using the Channel tab as
described in this topic, you can save it into the Database, and use drag and drop configuration to streamline
configuration tasks.