PRGSTRING – Program String
This command sets/reports a programmed string.
Argument Type Size Values Units
ID Unsigned Integer 4 0 – 7
Value String 80 CLEAR = Clear current value
1 – 80 Chars
(Null to query in text)
Special Characters:
\a = alert
\b = backspace
\f = form feed
\n = new line
\r = carriage return
\t = horizontal tab
\v = vertical tab
\\ = backslash
PTTTHRESHOLD – Push to Talk Threshold
This command selects/reports the setting of the push to talk threshold for a microphone.
Command Form: DEVICE PTTTHRESHOLD <Channel> [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Group Group 1 3 (M)
Value Float 2 -100 to 0
(Null to query in text)
PUSHTOTALK – Push to Talk
This command selects/reports the setting of push-to-talk for a microphone.
Command Form: DEVICE PUSHTOTALK <Channel> [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Group Group 1 3 (M)
Value Unsigned Integer 2 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = Toggle
(Null to query in text)
RAMP – Ramp Gain Adjustment
This command starts / stops the gain ramp for an input, output or assignable processing block. There is no
query associated with this command.
Command Form: DEVICE RAMP <Channel> <Group> <Rate> [Target]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Group Group 1 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 16, 17 (I, J, O, M, P, L, F, T, R)
Rate Signed Integer 1 -50 – 50
If value=0, the ramp will stop.
If value< 0, the gain will ramp down.
If value>0, the gain will ramp up.
dB / s
Target Signed Integer 1 -65 – 20
If NULL in text or 0x80 in binary, the ramp will use
the channel’s maximum and minimum for a target.