ClearOne comm SR 1212 Conference Phone User Manual

AVG – Adaptive Volume Gain
This command sets the maximum gain setting that the algorithm will not exceed.
Command Form:
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See GroupsAndChannels
Group Group 1 23 (J)
Value Signed Short 2 0.00 to +18.00
(Null to query in text)
AVR – Adaptive Volume Reference
This command selects/reports the microphone or expansion bus reference channel to be used for adaptive volume
tracking on a power amplifier channel.
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 (M) 1-8
(E) 1-18
(Null to query in text)
Group Group 1 3, 6 (M or E)
AVRT – Adaptive Volume Ratio
This command sets the ratio at which gain will be automatically applied based upon the ambient level in the
reference microphone. Example: A 1:1 setting would apply 1 dB of gain for every 1dB rise in ambient level of the
reference microphone up to the Max Gain setting.
Command Form: DEVICE AVRT <Channel><Group> [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See GroupAndChannels
Group Group 1 23 (J)
Value Unsigned Short 2 0 = 2:1
1 = 1:1
2 = 1:2
(Null to query in text)
AVT – Adaptive Volume Threshold
This command sets the level at which the adaptive volume algorithm will be activated. This value is referenced to
the noise floor of the channel and the target above ambient for the adaptive volume to reach.
Command Form: Device AVT <Channel><Group> [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See GroupAndChannels
Group Group 1 23 (J)
Value Signed Short 2 -80.00 to 0.00
(Null to query in text)