Chapter 18 VoIP
EMG5324-D10A User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 79 VoIP > SIP > SIP Service Provider
SIP Service Provider Selection
Select the SIP service provider profile you want to use for the SIP account you configure in
this screen. If you change this field, the screen automatically refreshes.
SIP Service
Select this if you want the Device to use this SIP provider. Clear it if you do not want the
Device to use this SIP provider.
SIP Service
Provider Name
Enter the name of your SIP service provider.
SIP Local Port Enter the Device’s listening port number, if your VoIP service provider gave you one.
Otherwise, keep the default value.
SIP Server
Enter the IP address or domain name of the SIP server provided by your VoIP service
provider. You can use up to 95 printable ASCII characters. It does not matter whether the
SIP server is a proxy, redirect or register server.
SIP Server Port Enter the SIP server’s listening port number, if your VoIP service provider gave you one.
Otherwise, keep the default value.
Server Address
Enter the IP address or domain name of the SIP register server, if your VoIP service provider
gave you one. Otherwise, enter the same address you entered in the SIP Server Address
field. You can use up to 95 printable ASCII characters.
Server Port
Enter the SIP register server’s listening port number, if your VoIP service provider gave you
one. Otherwise, enter the same port number you entered in the SIP Server Port field.
SIP Service
Enter the SIP service domain name. In the full SIP URI, this is the part after the @ symbol.
You can use up to 127 printable ASCII Extended set characters.
Bound Interface Name
Interface Name
If you select AnyWAN, the Device automatically activates the VoIP service when any LAN or
WAN connection is up.
RFC Support
PRACK PRACK (RFC 3262) defines a mechanism to provide reliable transmission of SIP provisional
response messages, which convey information on the processing progress of the request.
This uses the option tag 100rel and the Provisional Response ACKnowledgement (PRACK)
Select Supported or Required to have the Device include a SIP Require/ Supported header
field with the option tag 100rel in all INVITE requests. When the Device receives a SIP
response message indicating that the phone it called is ringing, the Device sends a PRACK
message to have both sides confirm the message is received.
If you select Supported, the peer device supports the option tag 100rel to send provisional
responses reliably.
If you select Required, the peer device requires the option tag 100rel to send provisional
responses reliably.
Select Disabled to turn off this function.
Select this to have the Device query your ISP’s DNS server for a list of any available SIP
servers that it maintains. This is useful if your static SIP server exeriences difficulties,
making it hard for your IP phone users to make SIP calls.
Session Timer Select this to have the Device support RFC 4028.
This makes sure that SIP sessions do not hang and the SIP line can always be available for
VoIP IOP Flags Select the VoIP inter-operability settings you want to activate.