Administration Menu (DKAdmin)
Administration Menu (DKAdmin) 6
Note The Administration Menu is only available in the DKAdmin program. The Check
Processor Type, Backup/Restore Data, and View/Print Data appear in both the
DKAdmin Administration Menu and the DKBackup Backup Menu. These functions
are identical (e.g., screens, operations, commands, etc.) whether you use DKAdmin or
This chapter gives you step-by-step instructions on using the options available on the
Administration Menu. The options are:
♦ View Cabinet Diagram
♦ Check Processor Type (see Page 100)
♦ System/Station Administration
♦ Flexible Key Programming Section
♦ Speed Dial Programming Section
♦ ACD Administration Section
♦ Program Administration Section
♦ Security Maintenance Section
♦ Directory Number Administration
♦ DNIS Administration
♦ Distributed Hunt Group Administration
♦ Call Forward Assignments
♦ E911/CAMA Trunk Programs (R4 Only)
♦ ISDN Programs (R4 Only)
♦ Backup/Restore Data (see Page 99)
♦ View/Print Data (see Page 115)
Important! In order to use any of the options in the Administration Menu, you must have first
selected a customer in the File Menu, Select Customer option.