––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Calling Strata DK Using the Dialer
Calling Strata DK Using the Dialer
The DK Dialer is used only to establish a modem-modem or DIU to DIU/modem connection
between the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC and the DK maintenance modem. The DK Dialer is not
used when connecting the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC directly to the Strata DK TTY port.
➤ To call Strata DK using the dialer
1. From the File Menu, type d to select the Dial DK option and the Customer List screen
2. Highlight the Customer Strata DK you wish to dial.
Note It is not necessary to use the Select Customer option, when using the Dial DK option.
3. To set up DIU, modem, or “after connect” dialing strings for the selected customer, press
Enter. If the dialing strings were set previously, go to next step.
4. Press F2 to connect DIU to DIU (see Figure 17 on Page 131), press F4 or F5 to connect
modem to modem (see Figure 18 on Page 132), or Press F4 to connect modem to modem
pool and then dial the PDIU-DS connected to the TTY port (see Figure 20 on Page 135),
or press F3 to connect DIU to modem pool and then dial customer Strata DK (see Figure
22 on Page 139).
5. When Function keys F2 ~ F5 are pressed after selecting a customer from the Dial DK
Option, DKAdmin/DKBackup sends the following with each of the Function Keys. Only
one Function Key should be used to connect with the DK maintenance modem.
♦ Pressing F2 sends the Communication Setup DIU Initialization String and the
Customer DIU String.
♦ Pressing F3 sends the Communication Setup DIU Initialization String, the Customer
DIU String, the Communication Setup Modem Initialization String, the Customer
Modem String, and, if a connection is established, the After Connect String.
♦ Pressing F4 sends the Communication Setup Modem Initialization String, the
Customer Modem String, and, if a connection is established, the After Connect String.
♦ Pressing F5 sends the customer Modem String, and, if a connection is established, the
After Connect String.
● The DK security code can be set on the After Connect line in each Customer File setup so
it will be sent automatically to the Strata DK after connecting the DKAdmin/DKBackup
PC to the Strata DK remotely via modems. Setting the DK security code in the After
Connect String is optional.
● In some cases, when connecting to older Release 1 processors or during heavy traffic
conditions, the After Connect string may be sent and not recognized by the Strata DK. If
this should occur, do not enter the DK security code in the After Connect string.
● After completing a DKAdmin/DKBackup session via modems or DIUs, always use the
Hangup Connection option in the File Menu to drop the connection. Once the option is
activated, DKAdmin/DKBackup sends the modem escape sequence +++ and then the
reset and hangup commands ATZ H, closing the communication link to the DK. Make
sure the modem escape sequence is set to +++ (modem register, S2=43) before using the
DKAdmin/DKBackup PC with modems or DIUs.