Polycom VVX 400 and 410 Business Media Phones User Guide Version 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 78
Place a call to an authorized number by using the handset, headset, or speakerphone or by
pressing the line key of the number you want to call.
The call is placed.
Note: Which Termination is Used When Placing a Call to an Authorized Number
When a call is placed to a number in the authorized list, the call is placed through to the last used
termination – handset, speakerphone, or headset. You must first press the speakerphone or
headset key, or lift the handset to trigger the display of the authorized call list. If you press the same
key a second time, the idle screen displays.
To answer a call on a locked phone:
1 From the Incoming Call window, press Answer.
2 Enter your user password and press Enter.
The call connects.
Accessing Features with Your Login Credentials
Your system administrator assigns your login credentials—a domain, user name, and password— to you.
You must sign in to your phone using your login credentials to access the Calendar feature or work with
Microsoft Lync Server 2010. If you experience a problem with your login credentials, you aren’t able to
access your phone’s Calendar or use features associated with Microsoft Lync Server 2010. When your
phone has incorrect login credentials, the following happens:
An icon, , displays on the status bar.
The message Login Credentials have failed/Please update them if information is incorrect displays
for 10 seconds.
Your phone displays a Warning message. For information about phone Warnings, see Investigating
Phone Warnings.
To access the features again, re-submit or enter your login credentials.
Note: Accessing the Calendar when the User Login Feature is Enabled
If you log in to a phone that has the User Login feature enabled, and you want to access features
that require your login credentials, you must enter your login credentials again to enable the features
to work.
To re-submit or enter your login credentials:
1 From Home view, select Settings > Basic > Login Credentials.
2 From the Login Credentials screen, press Submit.
Your credentials are resubmitted and you have access to the features again.