2. Optionally, click on the Comment for Target Agent box, and enter a comment in it.
You can enter up to 254 characters (the box scrolls). Your comment appears on the target agent’s
window, next to the telephone icon. (If the target agent has more than one line, the comment
appears next to the telephone icon for the line they have selected.)
Note: You cannot enter a comment in the Comment for Target Agent box if you select the Send
Host Screen Image option. See Step 4.
3. If necessary, click on the Customer ID box, and change the customer identification in it.
This box usually contains any customer identification information that has been collected by
CallCoordinator for Windows (such as a telephone number, account number, and so on). You may
need to change it if, for example, the caller calls from a different location than usual, such as from a
mobile phone or public telephone (CallCoordinator for Windows cannot match the caller’s number to
the customer ID in these cases).
Note: Skip the next step if you do not plan to transfer data into the three-way conference call. Go
on to Step 5.
4. Optionally, to send host data for the three-way conference call, do the following:
a. Click on Defaults on the CCWin Conference window menu bar.
The Defaults pull-down menu appears.
b. Click on Data on the Defaults pull-down menu.
The Data pull-down menu appears, as shown in Figure 29.
Figure 29. CCWin Conference Window—Data Pull-Down Menu
c. Do one of the following:
Click on Update Target Host Screen to set the other agent’s screen to the same screen
you are looking at. Once the other agent has the new screen on their computer, the other
agent can make changes to the data in it. (Depending on how your system administrator
implemented HAT files, the screen set for the other agent may, for example, be the first
application screen or the last one that you worked on. In either case, the other agent can
resume working with the caller’s data after the transfer.)
Click on Send Host Screen Image to send a read-only image of your screen to the other
agent. In this type of transfer, the other agent can only view the data transmitted by you.
54 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide